life transitions
life transitions that can create a loss of self and meaning:
death of a loved one
divorce and separation, long-term relationship break-up
leaving home for college, university,
a new career, living on your own -
empty nest & aging
caring for elderly parents
co-parenting, blended family dynamics, step-parenting
parental alienation or child estrangement
quarter-life crisis or mid-life crisis
physical injury, chronic & critical illness
parenting, becoming a parent
getting married, marital turmoil
job loss, work dissatisfaction, stress at work, career transition
unrealized dreams of job promotion, finding a loving partner, or becoming a parent
pet loss

Life transitions, both anticipated or unexpected, create a deep sense of loss and identity. Even when we are forewarned, the reality is often difficult to navigate. Death of a loved one and divorce and separation are two of the most difficult life transitions you can face but any significant change or loss can unmoor us and require adjustment and a period of grieving. Life dreams which never materialize like job promotions, finding a romantic partner, or becoming a parent can also be devastating blows.
Psychotherapy helps you navigate significant life transitions and change. In therapy you will identify your internal strengths, external and social resources, and the proactive life-enhancing choices that are available to you. Regaining a sense of self and deeper meaning after loss is possible. All of our therapists have passion, training, and experience for helping clients navigate difficult life transitions.